Bennet - Right next to the Barcus Cabin Suite, the Bennet Cabin Suite offers comfortable sleeping for two people. The double-sink bathroom provides extra privacy with separate rooms for both the toilet and slate-tile shower. Comforts like a concierge, wireless internet, and twice-a-day housekeeping provide conveniences to help you enjoy your stay. The covered front porch provides added seating options, opening up onto the neighboring creek and bringing the wilderness of the Western frontier to your doorstep. - Brush Creek Ranch
Barcus - This rustic space features a king bed and a double sink bathroom, with separate rooms for both the toilet and slate-tile shower. The covered front porch provides added seating options, opening up onto the neighboring creek and bringing the wilderness of the Wyoming frontier to your doorstep. Modern comforts like a concierge, wireless internet, and twice-daily housekeeping are provided as well.